
  • Becoming Real.

    You won't become more productive, you won't become richer, you won't become more fashion savvy. You might, though, become real.
    Feb 3, 2022
    (reading time: 4 min.)
  • Imagination vs Fantasy

    Until I began turning toward Imagination. I realized that, really, I had a choice. I approached a crossroads, as it were, and could succumb to the world as it is (sucks) or make a genuine effort to create a world that doesn't suck so much.
    Jan 24, 2022
    (reading time: 2 min.)
  • Peacemaking with Brene Brown

    Peacemaking — as in, in this one-sided relationship I am in with Brene Brown, I worked at making peace with the irritation I felt toward her (and, honestly, I am well aware — it's incredibly awkward that I was irritated with "her" and not her content — I get it...I don't know her.)
    Oct 6, 2021
    (reading time: 4 min.)
  • Caring

    I'll posit that caring for yourself takes such courage, compassion, wisdom and patience that you might need some help :) likely it would be awfully challenging to do this on your own. We need each other.
    Aug 16, 2021
    (reading time: 5 min.)
  • Do the Right Thing.

    I am contemplating people who choose to do the morally courageous thing even when there is no clear benefit to themselves, and often when there is a downside.
    Jun 29, 2021
    (reading time: 7 min.)
  • Words Can Break Your Heart

    No matter who you are. If you are Viola Fletcher, the oldest survivor of the Tulsa Massacre, speaking to congress, the words chosen are direct, honest, searing.
    Jun 5, 2021
    (reading time: 5 min.)
  • Learn To Read Your Package Insert

    But there is a part of you that would really love to flourish. And when that part of you is ignored, when that part of you is squashed, shamed, dismissed, or abused, it languishes.
    Jun 1, 2021
    (reading time: 2 min.)
  • Raising Orchids

    We need that rugged dandelion aspect to dig in, root ourselves and keep going no matter what. We need the orchid expression to flourish.
    May 26, 2021
    (reading time: 3 min.)
  • Shhh! Someone I Love Feels.

    Then the music started. A large, fiercely happy sunflower sat on the piano and the teacher began to play. I can't remember the song — what is screaming in my head right now are lyrics that feel, translated, like "BE HAPPY GOD DAMMIT. IT'S TIME TO BE HAPPY. NOW"
    May 25, 2021
    (reading time: 3 min.)