Goodness: People Are Good First Episode
Goodness — Welcome to a Wild and Precious conversation that’s both about our Goodness and the first episode of my parallel project: People Are Good. [] The episode begins with a quote from my favorite podcast. I’m a Murderino, a huge fan of “My Favorite Murder” and in episode #185, Karen Kilgarith and Georgia Hardstark nailed it when they said the title of Karen’s next book will be: “Shut Up: You’re the Asshole” — You need to
Jul 23, 2020
(reading time: 2 min.)

Goodness — Welcome to a Wild and Precious conversation that’s both about our Goodness and the first episode of my parallel project: People Are Good.

The episode begins with a quote from my favorite podcast. I’m a Murderino, a huge fan of “My Favorite Murder” and in episode #185, Karen Kilgarith and Georgia Hardstark nailed it when they said the title of Karen’s next book will be: “Shut Up: You’re the Asshole” — You need to admit, with humility, that you are always an a-hole, and move forward accepting that.

The premise today is that you need to give up being a good person in order to do good stuff.

The story that I use to really drive that home is the story of dearly beloved, all around “good person” and worldwide hero, Winston Churchill.

What I talked about:

  • First,   The way that Karen K. and Georgia H. nailed what I wanted to talk about today made me want to force everyone I know to listen to their podcast. Yes, there’s true crime. Yes, there’s comedy. I come for that stuff but stay for the free life coaching.
  • Second,   Scott Jefferies, life coach, writes in his article at Psych Central that you must let go of the idea of being a good person if you want to actually do good. I realted that to Carol Dweck’s idea about a Growth Mindset.
  • Third,   I tell the story of Winston Churchill with an emphasis on the things he got very very wrong.
  • Fourth,   The implication may be that, perhaps, the more one holds tightly to the idea that they are 100% good, the more heinous the evil may be that escapes unwittingly. Perhaps.


  • My Favorite Murder — My Favorite Podcast. Really.

  • Why You Should Stop Being A Good Person — Scott Jefferies article at Psych Central

  • Growth Mindset — Carol Dweck speaking at Google on her idea of the Growth Mindset

  • Quotes (Answers to who said what in the podcast):

    1. Churchill

    2. Neither — attributed to Churchill but there is no evidence he actually said it.

    3. Hitler

    4. Hitler

    5. Churchill

Onward — The next few weeks we’re talking about how we’re connected! Look for the Monday morning newsletter,  and a conversation  from the Wild and Precious podcast episode on Thursday.

What do you think? Are people good? Let me know.

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